Rose Bouquet Delivery “Cute”. Bright and beautiful to behold; but pink roses are also fabulously versatile when you have something important to say. A classic symbol of grace and elegance; the pink rose is often given as a token of admiration and appreciation. Whether they’re for your best friend, fiancée or ever-dependable cubicle mate; a pink rose bouquet will create a bright spot in a special someone’s day.
It can be the signification of many things like; charm, innocence, flirt, passion, affection and emotion. Moreover, it is a sweet color like the candy or lollipop and also is a miracle; like the miracle of the new born baby girl in the family.
Contains of Rose Bouquet Delivery “Cute” in White Square Box
- 16 pieces of beautiful fresh cut luxury light pink and white roses.
- A premium printed, high quality white rose box. Unique in United Arab Emirates!
- An elegant matching ribbon finish.
Size: 15 cm L x 15 cm W x 15 cm H
- Finally a large dose of positive energy from our heart and soul.
About our Rose Bouquet Delivery “Cute” in White Square Box
- Our roses contains 100% real roses, no others.
- We create our arrangements only from premium quality, hand picked fresh cut flowers.
- We only use premium flowers and packaging materials.
- All our florists are experienced professionals.
Order our Rose Bouquet Delivery “Cute” in White Square Boxnow!
Order now & smile tomorrow! We have door to door delivery service in the whole United Arab Emirates
- Online orders processed 7/24; hence we can deliver it at requested time after confirmations.
- We deliver in whole United Arab Emirates; including night delivery in Dubai.
- You can select delivery time and destination, that fits for your needs, during the order process.
- Same day delivery subject to availability. Please give us a call to further assist you!
Special requests for White Square Box
We accept customization requests for our arrangements; which includes colors, combinations, shapes, figures, signs, etc. Please give us a call to further assist you!
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