Order a beautiful Roses & Lilies flower bouquet!
Celebrate a birthday, send your love, or simply let someone know you’re thinking of them with this stunning bouquet of romantic red roses and fragrant white lilies. While this gift appeals to those with an elegant and simple sense of style, it is perfect for someone dear to you!
Red Roses, stands for passion and communicates love. They represent passion devotion, romance, desire and true love.
Lilies have long been associated with devotion, purity and fertility. The sweet and innocent beauty of the flower indicates fresh new life and rebirth. Moreover, it is a fragrant reminder of your love and commitment to your partner.
Available in a wide range of colors and furthermore, arranged in both classic and contemporary styles. Whether you want to send a stunning flower bouquet in a box; or a more elaborate arrangement in a glass vase. We will ensure that you’re never short of options.
Send red roses & white lilies flower bouquet!
We have a wide choice of flowers for all occasions such as Women’s day and Valentine’s day. Additionally, we specialize in flowers for birthdays and anniversaries.
We accept customization requests for our flower bouquets which includes; colors, combinations, shapes, figures, signs, etc. Therefore, please give us a call to further assist you! Our experienced florists and professional designers will be happy to meet your requirements.
Buy red roses & white lilies flower bouquet in a round box from Beverly Hills Roses in UAE. To check what our customers’ are saying about us; please read our Google reviews.
Also available in other colours; such as pink or purple roses with pink lilies. These flowers are seasonal. Please check with us for availability of lilies and choice of colours before you order online. Lilies may arrive as buds for freshness & long life.
Picture shown: Splendid size
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