Order a red roses hand bouquet to elevate your Christmas decor!
Celebrate the festive season with our Christmas hand bouquet. Featuring vibrant red roses, elegant baubles, and wrapped in a chic black wrapper. While this stunning bouquet adds a touch of holiday luxury to any occasion. Hence it is perfect for gifting or as a centerpiece, this hand bouquet exudes warmth, elegance, and festive charm.
- Fresh red roses combined with elegant baubles for a festive touch.
- Wrapped in a stylish black wrapper for a modern and sophisticated look.
- Perfect for tabletops, mantels, or as a unique gift.
- A sophisticated and memorable gift for loved ones or clients.
- Creates a fragrant, sophisticated holiday ambiance in any space.
Red roses Christmas hand bouquet!
Whether you’re celebrating a traditional holiday or seeking something extraordinary, this beautifully crafted Christmas bouquet with red roses & baubles offers a fragrant and festive decor like no other.
We have a wide choice of flowers for all occasions such as Women’s day and Valentine’s day. Additionally, we specialize in flowers for birthdays and anniversaries.
We accept customization requests for our flower bouquets which includes; colors, combinations, shapes, figures, signs, etc. Therefore, please give us a call to further assist you! Our experienced florists and professional designers will be happy to meet your requirements.
Buy a Christmas gift with fresh roses and baubles from Beverly Hills Roses in UAE. To check what our customers’ are saying about us; please read our Google reviews.
Also available in other colours; such as red, pink, or purple roses. Please check with us for choice of colors before you order online.
Picture shown: Standard size
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