Make Your Fresh Flowers Last Longer

Fresh Flowers Abu Dhabi

Fresh Flowers in Abu Dhabi – The most liked gifts on special occasions!

Flowers bring warmth to any room, while leaving a pleasing memory for many days. We enjoy gifting flowers to celebrate joyous occasions. It is a known fact that we love flowers, since they add colour to our surroundings and brighten up the room.

Whether you have received an anniversary gift, or flowers on Mother’s Day or picked a gorgeous bunch of flowers for yourself; you’ll want to enjoy them for as long as possible.

The truth is that fresh flowers don’t last forever. However, these care tips will ensure the longevity of your fresh flowers.

Care Tips For Fresh Flowers in Abu Dhabi


Since some flowers bruise easily, carefully unwrap the flower bouquet.

Cutting Stems

Cut the stems at an angle with a clean knife or scissors to minimize contact with bacteria. Remember to re-trim the flower stems once every few days.

Removing Leaves

Remove any leaves submerged in the water, as these will rot and add bacteria in your vase.


Fill a clean vase with room temperature water and add a packet of flower food. Remember to replace the water every 2-3 days.

Avoiding Sunlight

Place the flowers in a cool room, since they will open slowly and last longer. Further, avoid areas like open windows, heating or cooling vents; as they can cause the flowers to quickly dehydrate.

Surprisingly, you may have few things lying around your house that could help you enjoy your flowers. You could easily add the available household remedies like aspirin, bleach or apple cider vinegar to the water to make the flowers last longer.

Follow these tips to enjoy your Fresh flowers in Abu Dhabi!

Besides, contact us if you have any queries. Our expert florists will be happy to guide you.